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Kids of Integrity

Kids of Integrity
Integrity comes from the latin word "integer" which means to be "whole" or "complete". Thus, a person with integrity has a character that is "whole" and is true to God, oneself and others. To be Kids of Integrity is basically, living a life above reproach and being blameless before God and people. Kids of Integrity do the right thing regardless of whether he/she gains anything by it or if anyone is watching. Kids of Integrity choose to live in righteousness and respect for God! 

Series Aim: Kids understand that integrity is being truthful to God, oneself and others.

Week 1 (28th June): 
The Big Point: Live Right Before God and People!
God's Word: Jesus is Tempted in the Desert (Matthew 4:1-11) 
Memory Verse: Anyone who lives without blame walks safely. But anyone who takes a crooked path will get caught. Proverbs 10:9 (NIRV) 
Application: I will live right before God and people!

Includes Questions for Kids Zoom Huddle!

Week 2 (5th July): 
The Big Point: Do Right No Matter What Happens! 
God's Word: The Story of Job 
Memory Verse: Anyone who lives without blame walks safely. But anyone who takes a crooked path will get caught. Proverbs 10:9 (NIRV) 
Application: I will do right no matter what happens.

Includes Questions for Kids Zoom Huddle!

Week 3 (12th July): 
The Big Point: Be Honest in my Actions and Words! 
God's Word: Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1- 11) 
Memory Verse: Anyone who lives without blame walks safely. But anyone who takes a crooked path will get caught. Proverbs 10:9 (NIRV) 
Application: I will be honest in how I act and what I say.

Includes Questions for Kids Zoom Huddle!

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