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Spiritual Habits (3 Weeks Series 4-18 May)

Our habits shape us. How we think affects what we do. What we do on a regular basis determines who we will become. In our spiritual habits series, we want to form 3 important habits of spending time with God, loving our mother and praying for others.

4 May Spiritual Habits Week 1/3
The Big Point: I Love To Spend Quiet Time With God
God's Word: Jesus Prays Early In The Morning (Mark 1:35)
Memory Verse: Jesus went to a place where he could be alone and prayed - Mark 1:35b
Life Question: How do I enjoy my quiet time with God?
Leader's Key:  Know God loves to talk to us
(Kid's Key & Parent's Key to be provided by themselves)
Big Point Picture
Slides Picture 
Triathlon original picture 
Kids SPOT! (for 4-6 Years) 
Memory Verse Video

11 May Spiritual Habits Week 2/3 (Mother's Day Service)
The Big Point: I Love To Honor My Family 
God's Word: Jesus Cares For His Mother (John 19:26-27)
Memory Verse: Honor your father and your mother - Exodus 20:12
Life Question: How do I honor my mother (for Mother's Day)?
Leader's Key:  Know what is important to her
(Kid's Key & Parent's Key to be provided by themselves)
Big Point Picture
Triathlon original picture 
Kids SPOT! (for 7-12 Years) 
Life Lesson Guide (for 7-12 years)

18 May Spiritual Habits Week 3/3
The Big Point: I Love To Pray For Others
God's Word: Jesus Prays On Mount Olives (Luke 22: 39-46)
Memory Verse:  I want all of you to pray for everyone. Ask God to bless them and give thanks for them -1 Timothy 2:1
Life Question: How do I love praying for others?
Leader's Key:  Know God's heart for people
(Kid's Key & Parent's Key to be provided by themselves)

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