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ACTS Kids Conference (5 Sessions 25 May)

Session 1 (Sat Morning): The People
The Big Point: We Are God's Chosen
God's Word: The Choosing of Matthias (Acts 1:12-26)
Memory Verse: You are God's chosen people. You are holy and dearly loved - Colossians 3:12
Life Question: How To Live As God's Chosen People? 
Key#1: Prepare for it
Key#2: Accept It
Key#3: Live it out
Life Lesson Guide (for 8-12 Years)
Craft Guide (for 4-7 Years)
What is church? (Useful YouTube)

Session 2 (Sat Afternoon): The Persecution
The Big Point: We Will Be Faithful, We Will Not Give Up
God's Word: The Believers Did Not Give Up (Acts 14:19-22)
Memory Verse: But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved - Matthew 24:13
Life Question: How To Be Faithful Until The End? 
Key#1: Keep God's Word In Your Heart
Key#2: Think Long Term
Key#3: Don't Give Up Trusting God
Life Lesson Guide (for 8-12 Years)
Craft Guide (for 4-7 Years)
Session 3 (Sat Night): The Pentecost
The Big Point: We Live By The Power of the Holy Spirit
God's Word: The Pentecost (Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-13)
Memory Verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Then you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth - Acts 1:8
Life Question: How To Receive The Power of The Holy Spirit? 
Key#1: Be Ready
Key#2: Believe it
Key#3: Receive it
Session 4 (Sun Morning): The Growing Church 
The Big Point: We Grow As God's Church Grow
God's Word: The Disciples Shared Life Together (Acts 2:42-47)
Memory Verse: Every day their numbers grew as the Lord added those who were saved - Acts 2:47
Life Question: How To Help The Church Grow? 
Key#1: Meeting
Key#2: Sharing
Key#3: Praising
Life Lesson Guide (for 8-12 Years)
Craft Guide (for 4-7 Years)
What is the Gospel? (Useful YouTube)

Session 5 (Sat Afternoon): The Conversion (Kids Rally)
The Big Point: We Are Saved By God Who Loves Us
God's Word: Paul's Conversion (Acts 9:1-19)
Memory Verse: With your heart you believe and with your mouth you say that Jesus is Lord, then you are saved - Romans 10:10
Life Question: How To Be Saved?
Key#1: Confess with your mouth (Romans 10:9)
Key#2: Believe in your heart (Romans 10:9)
Key#3: Calling God's Name (Acts 2:21)
Life Lesson Guide (for 8-12 Years)
Craft Guide (for 4-7 Years)
KidsSPOT! (for 7-12 Years)
The Book of Acts in 3 mins (Useful YouTube)

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