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The Road to Easter (2023) + HopeKids Easter Special: The Mystery of Easter

Jesus’ life was filled with many remarkable moments but the reason He was born was to save us by dying on the cross. As the weeks lead up to Easter, we look into Jesus’ last few events on Earth and its significance that shows that He truly was the promised saviour (Messiah) who  saved us all. 

Series Aim: For kids to know that Jesus died for them because of love. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, they can be with God forever.

Week 1 (19th Mar 2023) 

The Big Point: Jesus Came to Save Us All 

God's Word: The Triumphal Entry (Luke 19:28-44)

Memory Verse:  Christ died for our sins, just as Scripture said he would. He was buried. He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as Scripture said he would be. 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4

Application: I will worship Jesus because He came to save us all. 

Creative Video: The Story of Easter (The Triumphal Entry)

Week 2 (26th Mar 2023)

The Big Point: Jesus Suffered to Save Us All 

God's Word: Jesus is Arrested (Luke 22: 47-53, 63-71, 23:13-25)

Memory Verse:  Christ died for our sins, just as Scripture said he would. He was buried. He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as Scripture said he would be. 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4

Application: I will remember and believe what Jesus has done to save us all. 

Creative Video: The Story of Easter (Jesus' Sacrifice) (To 2:40 only)

Week 3 (2nd Apr) 

The Big Point: Jesus Gave His Life to Save Us All 

God's Word: Jesus Died and Came Back to Life (Luke 23:26-56 -24:1-12)

Memory Verse:  Christ died for our sins, just as Scripture said he would. He was buried. He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as Scripture said he would be. 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4

Application: I will believe and give my life to Jesus because He gave His life to save us all.

Creative Video: The Story of Easter (Jesus' Sacrifice) (2:40 to end)

HopeKids Easter Special 2023: The Mystery of Easter
Our HopeKids detectives have been transported back in time and found an empty tomb. Who was in there? Why is it empty? This Easter, join us to unravel the mystery of whom it belongs to!

Date: 9th April 2023, 10am

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