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Despite the current climate with covid-19 shaking up the whole world, we want to choose to be thankful for what we have! In the next 3 weeks, we look into the heart of God, Jesus and the Church, hoping to instill in the kids a heart full of trust and full of thanks. Regardless of what happens, or what is done, we can always come to Jesus who is alive and we can come to the Church community. Jesus will never turn us away as God’s faithful love continues forever. The Church is a community that receives its believers with open arms as the church is a family in God! 
We can all trust and be thankful, because God’s faithful love continues forever through Jesus and the Church!

Series Aim: To instill in the kids a heart of trust and thankfulness, that they are able to come to Jesus and the church because God’s love continues forever! 


HopeKids live services may not continue through this period due to Covid-19 and MOH's guidelines, but we can still keep the kids in mind and in prayer, as well as equip ourselves with the Word! Watch this space for each week's Word Study document below for an in-depth Word Study as well as prayer points you can have for HopeKids and HopeKids Online! :)

Week 1 (19th April):
The Big Point: I’m Thankful that Jesus is Alive! 
God's Word: Jesus Appears to His Disciples (John 21: 1-13)
Memory Verse: Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever. (Psalm 107:1 NIRV) 
Application: I will be thankful that Jesus is Alive!

Week 1 Word Study

Week 2 (26th April): 
The Big Point: I’m Thankful I Can Come to Jesus!
God's Word: Little Children are Brought to Jesus (Matthew 19: 13-15)
Memory Verse: Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever. (Psalm 107:1 NIRV) 
Application: I will be thankful I can come to Jesus.

Week 3 (3rd May): 
The Big Point: I’m Thankful For My Church Family! 
God's Word: The Church Share their Lives Together (Acts 2:42-47 NIRV)
Memory Verse: Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever. (Psalm 107:1 NIRV) 
Application: I will be thankful for my Church family. 

Week 3 Word Study
NEW!: Includes Zoom Huddle Discussion Questions!

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