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Yes, Sir!

"Yes, Sir!" - Obedience
“Yes, Sir!” is a common answer to comply with a given command or instruction. In this series, we look into the importance of saying yes to God's way. Why is it important to obey God? What does it take to obey Him? 

Series Aim: To understand that we can obey God because He is a good God who loves us. In return, we obey God because we love Him and we can be courageous to obey Him.

Week 1 (1st Mar 2020)
The Big Point: Love God by Obeying Him!
Memory Verse: In fact, here is what it means to love God. We love him by obeying his commands. And his commands are not hard to obey. 1 John 5:3 (NIRV)
Application: I will love God by obeying Him even when things are hard.


Week 2 (8th Mar 2020)
The Big Point: Be Courageous to Obey God!  
God's Word: Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego and the Burning Furnace (Daniel 3) 
Memory Verse: In fact, here is what it means to love God. We love him by obeying his commands. And his commands are not hard to obey. 1 John 5:3 (NIRV)
Application: I will be courageous to obey God even when it's hard.


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