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Others First

Others First
Others First is a series talking about being selfless and placing others before oneself. To be selfless and put others first is to be concerned more with the needs of others than with one’s own

Being selfless is very much in line with what Jesus taught to be the greatest commandment other than to love God: to love your neighbour as you love yourself (Mark 12: 30-31).
Series Aim: Understand that to truly love, is to put others and their needs before one’s own. We aim to instill in the kids a heart of putting Others first and loving others as much as they love themselves instead of being self-centered.

Week 1 (19th Jan 2020):
The Big Point: Love Others As You Love Yourself
Memory Verse: And the second is like it, ‘Love others as you love yourself.’ Mark 12:31a (NIRV)
Application: I will love others as how I love myself.


Week 2 (2nd Feb 2020): 
The Big Point: Love Others by Serving Them 
God's Word: Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-17) 
Memory Verse: And the second is like it, ‘Love others as you love yourself.’ Mark 12:31a (NIRV)
Application: I will love others by serving them!

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