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Taste and see that the Lord is good! A series on the goodness of God, seen through the wonderful world of food! Join us for two Taste-t-licious Sundays as we learn about good attitudes and great characters through fun activities and engaging story-telling. 

Platform Leaders (Preachers, WLs, SLs): Click Here! 😉

Week 1 (18 August 2019) 
Big Point: Taste and See that the Lord is good!
Memory Verse: Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who goes to him for safety. Psalms 34:8 (NIRV) 
Life Question: What can I do to Taste God’s goodness?

Week 2 (25 August 2019) 
Big Point: Taste and See that the Lord is good!
God’s Word: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (John 6:1-14) 
Memory Verse: Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who goes to him for safety. Psalms 34:8 (NIRV) 
Life Question: What can I do to Taste God’s goodness?

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