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HopeKids thirsts for more of God! Join us in this Thirst! series, where we learn the attitude to want more of God, and position ourselves to receive from Him in our upcoming Let Your Light Shine Campference! 

Week 1 (19 May 2019)
Big Point: I Thirst for God
God’s Word:Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4: 1-26) 
Memory Verse: God, you are my God. I seek you with all my heart. With all my strength, I thirst for you in this dry desert where there isn’t any water. (Psalm 63:1)
Life Question: What is the “Living Water” and how can I get it? 

 download materials to run kids spot in adult LG

Week 2 (26 May 2019)
Big Point: I Thirst to Hear From God
God’s Word: The Calling of Samuel (1 Samuel 3)
Memory Verse: God, you are my God. I seek you with all my heart. With all my strength, I thirst for you in this dry desert where there isn’t any water. (Psalm 63:1)
Life Question: How do I answer when God speaks?

 download materials to run kids spot in adult LG

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