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Are You Hungry Series 10 June to 24 June 2018

10 June 2018
BIG Point: I am created for more. 
God's Words: The Calling of the First Disciples (Mark 1:16-20)
Memory Verse: "Come and follow me," Jesus said. "I will send you out fish for people." (Mark 1:17)
Life Question: What am I hungry for? Does it last forever?
 download materials to run kids spot in adult LG
Huddle Time/ Life Lesson Guide (4-6yrs old)
Huddle Time/ Life Lesson Guide (7-12yrs old)

17 June 2018
BIG Point: I want to hear from God
God's Words: Jesus is our Shepherd, His sheep know His voice (John 10:25-30)
Memory Verse: "My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)
Life Question: How can i hear God?/ How can i listen & obey God?
 download materials to run kids spot in adult LG
Huddle Time/ Life Lesson Guide (7-12yrs old)

SPECIAL: Making Father's Card (all ages)

24 June 2018
BIG Point: Here I am, send me
God's Words: Jesus appears to his disciples (John 20:19-23)
Memory Verse: : Again Jesus said, "May peace be with you! The Father has sent me. So now I am sending you." (John 20:21)
Life Question: Will I choose Jesus as my number 1 in my life? How will I answer God’s calling?
 download materials to run kids spot in Adult LG
Huddle Time/ Life Lesson Guide (7-12yrs old)

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