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Every Kid a Leader 15 Apr - 6 May 2018

15 Apr
Big Point: Servanthood
God's Word: James and John ask Jesus for a favor (Mark 10: 35-45)
Memory Verse: Even the Son of Man did not come to be served. Instead, he came to serve others. He came to give his life as the price for setting many people free. (Mark 10: 45)
Life Question: What is one way you can serve your family/ friends this week?

Life Lesson Guide / Huddle Time (4-6yrs old) 
Life Lesson Guide/ Huddle Time  (7-12yrs old)

22 Apr
Big Point: Courage
God's Word: Joshua becomes Israel's Leader (Joshua 1)
Memory Verse: Here is what I am commanding you to do. Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go. (Joshua 1: 9)
Life Question: What is one promise of God that I can remind myself whenever I feel afraid?

Life Lesson Guide/ Huddle Time (4-6yrs old)
Life Lesson Guide/ Huddle Time  (7-12yrs old)

29 Apr
Big Point: Humility
God's Word: A Warning Against Doing Wrong Things for the Wrong Reasons (Matthew 23: 1-11)
Memory Verse: Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves. (Philippians 2:3)
Life Question: What are some things that you are tempted to be prideful about?

Life Lesson Guide/ Huddle Time (4-6yrs old)
Life Lesson Guide/ Huddle Time (7-12yrs old)

6 May
Big Point: Faithfulness
God's Word: True Apostles of Christ (1 Cor 4: 1-2)
Memory Verse: Those who have been given a trust must prove that they are faithful (1 Cor 4: 2)
Life Question: What is one area of my life that I need to learn to be faithful in?

Life Lesson Guide/ Huddle Time (4-6yrs old)
Life Lesson Guide/ Huddle Time (7-12yrs old)

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