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Survivor Kid Series 16 Oct to 13 Nov [NE: Celebrate!]

Nowadays, kids have many things ongoing in their daily lives. How could a kid learn to survive stress? Common struggles that kids have are trying to be good by listening to their teachers & parents, and wanting to excel in their studies. They also face many problems in their lives needing them to manage their worry & anger well, such as peer acceptance. The “Survivor Kid” series will train kids to survive in their daily lives. Help kids to find the right tools to “fight” their problems.

------ Week 1 (16 October) ------

Big Point: I can survive, I do not worry [NE: No worries! Let’s Celebrate! ]
God’s Word: Do not worry (Matthew 6:25-34)
Memory Verse: Your Father who is in heaven knows that you need them. But put God’s kingdom first. Do what he wants you to do. Then all those things will also be given to you. (Matthew 6: 32b-33)
Life Question: What can we do when we worry? 
Family Time: Parents could do the “Water & oil can’t mix" activity with your kid(s) at home to reinforce to them that worry & trust don’t mix - if we decide to trust God, we will not to worry things around us. After the activity is done, take a photo demonstrating that water & oil can’t mix. Show the photo  at the card booth and receive a stamp!

Service Guide (6 months to 3 years old)
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (7-9 Years)
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (10-12 Years)

------ Week 2 (23 October) ------

Big Point: I can survive,  I am slow to get angry [NE: No big deal! Just Celebrate!]
God’s Word: Slow to get angry (James 1:19-20)
Memory Verse: Human anger doesn’t produce the holy life God wants. (James 1:20)
Life Question: What can you do when you are angry?
Family Time: Write down 3 ways what kids can do when they are angry. Show this list of ways at the card booth & receive a stamp.

Service Guide (6 months to 3 years old) 
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (7-9 Years)
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (10-12 Years)

---- Week 3 (30 October) ------
Big Point: I can survive, I lack nothing [NE: There’s so much to Celebrate!]
God’s Word: The widow’s offering (Luke 12:32-34)
Memory Verse: The Lord is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need. (Psalm 23:1) 
Life Question: Where is the treasure of your heart?
Family Time: Parents and kids to write 10 things that you treasure on a paper. Show the paper and receive a stamp from card booth. 

Service Guide (6 months to 3 years old) 
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (7-9 Years)
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (10-12 Years)

----- Week 4 (6 November) ------
Big Point: I can survive, I please God first, not man [NE: Celebrate in the way that pleases God!]
God’s Word: Living in a way that please God (Galatians 1:10)
Memory Verse: Am I trying to please people? If I were, I would not be serving Christ. (Galatians 1:10b, NIV )
Life Question: How can you please God?
Family Time: Kids can please God by reading the Bible daily. Parents (or kids) to read the Bible and remember God's words. Recite Galatians 1:10 at the card booth and receive a stamp.

Service Guide (6 months to 3 years old) 
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (7-9 Years)
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (10-12 Years)

---- Week 5 (13 November) ------
Big Point: I can survive, I am living God’s lasting plan [NE: Celebrate God’s amazing plan for me]
God’s Word: The vine & the branches (John 15:1-17)
Memory Verse: A man may have many plans in his heart. But the Lord’s purpose wins out in the end. (Proverbs 19:21)
Life Question: What is God’s purpose in your life?
Family Time: Fill in the blanks. (based on Matthew 19:19) to receive a stamp at the card booth.
"Honor your _______ and _______. And ___________________________________________."

Service Guide (6 months to 3 years old) ----------> coming soon
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (7-9 Years)
NorthEast Life Lesson Guide (10-12 Years)

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