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Why Not? Series 15, 22 May and 5 June

When we are faced with something new, the first question we ask is "why?". What if during a season when God is doing a new thing, whenever something new comes along, we ask "Why Not?".
In our new kids series Why Not? we explore 3 areas we want our kids to ask why Not to.

----- Week 1 (15 May) ----
The Big Point: Why not love God with more passion?
God's Word: Stephen's Passion (Acts 7:54 - 8:2)
Memory Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul - Mark 12:30a
Life Question: How to love with more passion?
Family Time: Watch a Christian Worship Song together and sing together as a family and do it passionately. Write down what song did you sing.
The Big Point Picture
KidsSPOT! (4-6 Years)
Life Lesson Guide (4-6 Years)
Life Lesson Guide (7-12 Years)
Service Guide (6 months to 3 years old) 

----- Week 2 (22 May) ----
The Big Point: Why not serve God with excellence?
God's Word: Apollos' Excellence (Acts 18:24-28) 
Memory Verse: Love him with all your mind and with all your strength - Mark 12:30b
Life Question: How to serve with excellence?
Family Time: Decide one thing you always do that you can now do with excellence. Write down what did you do? 
----- Conference Week Break (29 May) ----

----- Week 4 (5 June) ----
The Big Point: Why not bless God with innovation? 
God's Word: Philip's Innovation (Acts 8:26-39)
Memory Verse: I'm about to do something new. It's beginning to happen even now. Don't you see it coming - Isaiah 43:19
Life Question: How to bless others with more innovation? 
Family Time: Create a new way to bless others? Show us your new innovation

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