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Vision Weekend 24 Jan

People see a lot of things on screens whether it is television or other media boxes, but the most important vision is God's vision. So for 2016, its not television, digital vision but God's vision. Seeing what God is doing, we can start to roll up our sleeves and do what God is doing amongst us in 2016. A vision for 2016 is not only for adults, its for all children to join in the fun!

The Big Point: I can see what God is doing, I can do it too
God's Word:  God's vision for Abraham (Genesis 15:4-6)
Memory Verse: Jesus answered, "What I'm about to tell you is true. The Son can do nothing by himself. He can do only what he sees his Father doing. What the father does, the Son also does
- John 5:19
Life Question: How can I do what God is doing in 2016?
The Big Point Picture
1. KidsSPOT! (4-6 Years)
2. Life Lesson Guide (7-12 Years)

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