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Small Series 4 - 18 Oct

Three weeks to explore how the 'small' can still win in the face of challenges. Week 1 introduces Goliath and how small we can feel in life but we can be assured that God is bigger. Week 2 introduces David who isn't scared even though the whole army of Israel is because he knows God who is with him. Week 3 shows our kids how David abandoned all the usual way of fighting choosing to trust God instead. The outcome isn't so small after all. 

------ Week 1 -------
The Big Point: Though we are small, our God is big
God's Word: David and Goliath Part 1 (1 Samuel 17:1-11)
Memory Verse: So do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be terrified. I am your God. I will make you strong and help you - Isaiah 41:10a
Life Question: If our God is big, who are we?
The Big Point Picture
KidsSPOT! (4-6 years)
Life Lesson (7-12 years)
Memory Verse Video

------ Week 2 -------
The Big Point: Though we are scared, our God is strong
God's Word: David and Goliath Part 2 (1 Samuel 17:12-37)
Memory Verse: You have made sure that children and infants praise you. Their praise is a wall that stops the talk of your enemies. - Psalm 8:2
Life Question: If our God is strong, what can we do?
The Big Point Picture
------ Week 3 -------
The Big Point: Though we are lost, our God knows the way
God's Word: David and Goliath Part 3 (1 Samuel 17:38-58)
Memory Verse: The Son of man came to look for the lost and save them - Luke 19:10
Life Question: If our God knows the way, where should we go?
Memory Verse Video

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