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Supernatural Giving (1 Service 6 April)

Giving is a supernatural act of God. During the Lord's Supper, what Jesus said to his disciples would have surprised them. His idea of giving of himself was proven true a few days later when he hung on the cross for the sins of everyone in the world. Experience God giving himself like never before in this standalone service.

The Big Point: God gave Himself
God's Word: Jesus Gave In The Lord's Supper (Matthew 26:26-29)
Memory Verse: God did not spare his own Son. He gave him up for us all. Then won't he also freely give us everything else? - Romans 8:32
Life Lesson: How God gave himself
Key#1: Through Jesus on the Cross
Key#2: Through the Holy Spirit
Key#3: Through our Giving to Others
Big Point Picture
Slides Picture
KidsSPOT!(7-12 Years)
KidsSPOT!(4-6 Years)
Life Lesson Guide (7-12 Years)
Craft Guide (4-6 Years)

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