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[Aug] Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

As we remain in Jesus, we continue to bear fruits in Him (John 15:4-5), and one fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22) we can bear in Him is the fruit of faithfulness. In order to bear the fruit of faithfulness to God and be faithful believers that truly please and reflect Jesus, we must remain in Jesus! Apart from Jesus, we cannot have true faithfulness to Him because we can do nothing of eternal significance without Him. May we learn more about the fruit of faithfulness and learn to live out in how we can be faithful to God and even others! 

Series Aim: For kids to learn about the fruit of the spirit of faithfulness and live it out in their daily lives!

NOTE: Please remember that 4th Aug 2024 is Hope Community Weekend and there are no HopeKids services in most of our Hope regional centres. If it's communicated that your centre has HopeKids programme, please liaise directly with your centre leaders! :)

Week #1 - 11th Aug 2024

The Big Point: God is Always Faithful 

God's Word: God’s Promise to Abraham To Have a Son (Genesis 15:1-21, 17, 18:1-15, 21:1-7)

Memory Verse: His great love is new every morning. Lord, how faithful you are! Lamentations 3:23 (NIRV) 

Application: I can trust that God is faithful.

Week #2 - 18th Aug 2024

The Big Point: I Can Be Faithful to God 

God's Word: Daniel and the Den of Lions (Daniel 6) 

Memory Verse: His great love is new every morning. Lord, how faithful you are! Lamentations 3:23 (NIRV) 

Application: I can be faithful to God!

Week #3 - 25th Aug 2024

The Big Point: Faithfulness is Obeying God First

God's Word: The Apostles are Treated Badly (Acts 5:17-42)

Memory Verse: His great love is new every morning. Lord, how faithful you are! Lamentations 3:23 (NIRV) 

Application: I can obey God first in all I do.

Week #4 - 1st Sep 2024 

The Big Point: Faithfulness is Giving Our Best to God

God’s Word: The Story of the Three Servants (Matthew 25:14-28)

Memory Verse: His great love is new every morning. Lord, how faithful you are! Lamentations 3:23 (NIRV) 

Application: I can give my best in all that I do. 

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